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Madness Manchester
And The Mind

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What Can Men Do To Support Their Mental Health?

blog title image with the words What Can Men Do To Support Their Mental Health?

I went to the Manchester Ted Talk today where I listened to 12 pretty amazing people talk about their passions which ranged from someone's love of Sharks to the idea of covering space ships with Meringues for insulation (I kid you not).

They were all great but there was one that really hit home and that was a story about male suicide.

I think it hit me the hardest because I've been to those dark places before and I know how hard it is to reach out and admit that things are not OK.

So it's because of today that I wanted to write this. If I can't put all my education, knowledge and experience with mental health to some use then what am I doing!!!

This ones for you fellas ❤️

a image with the words men's mental health

Mental health is an important aspect of well-being for everyone, but it can be especially challenging for men who face social and cultural pressures to conform to certain expectations and stereotypes. Many men may feel reluctant or ashamed to seek help for their mental health issues, or may not even recognize the signs of distress.

However, ignoring or suppressing one’s emotions can have negative consequences for one’s physical and mental health, as well as one’s relationships and work performance.

image of a house fire representing what happen when you ignore your emotions

Fortunately, there are many ways that men can take care of their mental health and cope with stress, anxiety, depression or other problems. Here are some tips that can help men improve their mental well-being and seek support when needed:

Explore, understand and choose to reject traditional gender roles and male societal expectations. For most of us, we grow up with certain ideas about what it means to be a man, such as being strong, stoic, independent and successful.

However, these norms can limit our expression of ourselves and our feelings, and create unrealistic or harmful standards that we try to live up to. Instead of following these rules blindly, we can question them and decide what values and qualities matter most to us as individuals.

a image of a black sheep in a herd of white sheep to represent individuality

Get talking. Whether it’s your parents, partner, friend or counselor, it’s important that you try to find at least one person you trust and feel comfortable with who you can talk to about your feelings and experiences. Talking can help you release pent-up emotions, gain new perspectives and insights, receive support and advice, or simply feel less alone. You don’t have to wait until things get too overwhelming or unbearable; reaching out early can prevent problems from escalating or becoming chronic.

image of 2 men talking representing the importance of men talking about how they feel

Be there for the men in your life. Just as you need someone to listen to you sometimes, you can also offer your support and empathy to other men who may be struggling with their mental health. You can check in with them regularly by texting or calling them, invite them for a chat over a coffee or a beer, encourage them to seek professional help if they need it, or join them in activities that they enjoy. By showing them that you care and that they are not alone, you can help them feel more valued and hopeful.

gif of 2 men fist bumping to represent being there for each other

Focus on being yourself, not just ‘a man’. Sometimes we may feel pressured by society or ourselves to act in certain ways that are considered masculine or appropriate for our gender role. However, this can make us lose sight of our true identity and personality. Instead of trying to fit into a mould that doesn’t suit us, we should embrace our uniqueness and diversity, and express ourselves authentically and confidently. We should also respect and appreciate the differences and similarities of others, regardless of their gender identity or expression.

a gif of a man saying say my name to represent knowing yourself

Learn how to ask for help. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and courage. It shows that you are aware of your needs and limitations, and that you are willing to take steps to improve your situation. There is no shame in seeking professional help, such as therapy, medication, or counselling, if you are experiencing mental health issues that affect your daily functioning or quality of life. There are many resources available online, in person, or over the phone, that can provide confidential and tailored support for your specific needs. You don’t have to suffer in silence; help is available if you reach out.

2 men balancing on musical notes to represent mentorship

Avoid using alcohol and drugs to cope. While some people may use alcohol or drugs as a way of escaping from their problems or numbing their pain temporarily, this can actually worsen their mental health in the long run. Alcohol and drugs can interfere with your mood regulation and brain chemistry causing more depression anxiety or paranoia They can also impair your judgment memory concentration or coordination leading to accidents, injuries, violence, legal troubles financial difficulties relationship conflicts, work issues, physical health problems, addiction, withdrawal symptoms etc. Instead of relying on substances try finding healthier ways of coping such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, music, art, humor, etc.

Find an activity you enjoy. Having a hobby, passion, interest, project, goal challenge etc

snoop dog with the words say no to drugs

the last image of the blog with the blogger and his final thoughts

I hope you enjoyed the blog.

If any of you wanted to reach out and ask me about anything we've talked about here please do so. I'm always happy to chat

Thanks for Visiting ❤️




Fantastic blog Rob. The more people talk, the more people talk! Thank you!

Rob Lawrence
Rob Lawrence

It's a real passion of mine this subject so thank you for your kind words as well 👍

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